The Argyle MVP

Yet another Teams blog but this one by Masters & MVP's

Lync Server 2013

Lync Client CU3 (November Update) – Show a picture from a website!!!

The Lync 2013 Client Update (CU3) November is out.



It has several new features which can be found here:

  • Spell Check without breaking presence
  • Recording Options
  • Return of Web Photo Option

The last one needs to be enabled via some PowerShell magic to make it work.  Run the following:

$PolicyEntry=New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value true
$currentClientPolicy=Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global
Set-CsClientPolicy -Instance $currentClientPolicy

Credit goes to Jen’s as he posted similar information several months ago but the post disappeared which I assume had something to do with the feature being pushed back to this patch.


Enjoy the return of Show a Picture from a website


Pictures are EVERYWHERE NOW!!!  See the IM conversation.


Next to every IM with someone.  That might be a little too much


  1. Here’s a different version of Richard’s powershell script that will enable the Web Photo option for all Client Policies:

    $PolicyEntry=New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value true
    Get-CsClientPolicy | % {
    Set-CsClientPolicy -Instance $_

    • Essentially do the same as above but use Set-CsClientPolicyEntry instead of New and you should be able to set it to false.

  2. I also thought this would be the solution. But when I try it, I get the following error:

    PS C:Userslyncadmin> $PolicyEntry=set-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresence
    PhotoOptions -Value false
    set-CsClientPolicyEntry : The term ‘set-CsClientPolicyEntry’ is not recognized
    as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
    spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
    correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:14
    + $PolicyEntry=set-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value
    fal …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (set-CsClientPolicyEntry:String)
    [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

    • Hi Marc

      You can use the following cmdlet to remove the ClientPolicyEntry

      $x = New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value 1
      Set-CsClientPolicy -PolicyEntry @{Remove=$x}

  3. please help me how to run this code in power shell. I’m getting the below error when running this code.

    PS C:> $PolicyEntry=New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -V
    alue true Get-CsClientPolicy | % { $_.PolicyEntry.Add($PolicyEntry) Set-CsClient
    Policy -Instance $_ }
    Unexpected token ‘Set-CsClientPolicy’ in expression or statement.
    At line:1 char:159
    + $PolicyEntry=New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value
    true Get-CsClientPolicy | % { $_.PolicyEntry.Add($PolicyEntry) Set-CsClientPoli
    cy <<<

    • There are four different commands. The first sets the variable:
      $PolicyEntry=New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value true

      Second, sets a variable to the policy you want to affect
      $currentClientPolicy=Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global

      Third, adds the policyentry into the current policy. Remember, $ means it’s a variable, so this is in memory only.

      Fourth, actually adds the policy to Lync.
      Set-CsClientPolicy -Instance $currentClientPolicy

  4. If I enable this on the Global policy in a Lync 2013 environment where there are 2010 clients and 2013 clients, will the 2010 clients receive any errors?

  5. Hi Richard, what If I want to enable for specific user rather then all ? please let me know the powershell commands. Thanks!

    • It’s a client policy, so just create a new client policy and do the changes in that specific client policy and you are set.

      • Hi Richard,

        When i run the below command photo URL option is available to all, i dont want that i want to restrict to few user. what changes i have to do in this command.

        $PolicyEntry=New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value true
        $currentClientPolicy=Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global
        Set-CsClientPolicy -Instance $currentClientPolicy

  6. Thanks Richard, have created a test policy and enabled -DisplayPhoto AllPhotos also upgraded the Lync client 2013 but option Show my picture – EDIT or Remove Picture is grayed out.

    And when I give following parameter, it throws the error. my environment is running on Lync 2010 server and client upgraded to lync 2013. please let me know if I’m missing something or this option is not available on Lync 2010 server.

    -Name EnablePresencePhotoOptions -Value 1


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