The Argyle MVP

Yet another Teams blog but this one by Masters & MVP's

Lync Server 2013

Quick Tip: Lync Web App launches instead of Lync Client

Scenario: User clicks on a Join Lync Meeting link from Outlook and the default browser launches but leaves the user within the Lync Web App, instead of launching the full Lync client.

Issue: Within the Windows OS there should be a file extension association for .ocsmeet that is tied back to the Lync (Desktop) or Lync (Windows Store) application.

Resolution: You can fix this by either reinstalling the full client or simply importing in the registry keys needed for this file extension association.  There are three places the file extension association is listed:

Current User Software – Download

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




@=”\”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\Lync.exe\” \”%1\””


@=”\”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\Lync.exe\” \”%1\””

Classes Root – Download

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




@=”\”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\Lync.exe\” \”%1\””


@=”\”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\Lync.exe\” \”%1\””

Current User – Download

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00






  1. Excellent info. Just curious if you had notes on the reverse setup. If the Client is installed but we are not ready to use the client and only want to use the web app. We installed the client our new machines so they will be ready when we put up a lync server but now the client always fires instead of the web client. Can we accomplish that by adjusting these registry keys?

    • Delete the ones listed and you should be good. If they are missing, than all you get is the web.

  2. Same issue on iOS (iPhone) with the mobile app. It quickly displayed a popup and we must click on OPEN in less than 1 second otherwise it opens the webapp. Any solution to automatically start the installed app instead of having to quickly push on OPEN?

  3. I am having the problem described here, but my Office and Lync version is 2010. Can you provide the reg files for this version? (What you provided above appears to be for Office 2013.)

    Thank you!



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