Remember when Microsoft Teams came out and I made a bold statement that eventually, we would see all of the features of SfB make their way to Teams. Well, we are a few more steps closer.
What’s New
Compose Box
First, the compose box has gotten a fresh new look. Now instead of trying to find everything (attach, GIF, etc) under one button now each has their own.
This just makes the compose process a lot easier to find features.
Markdown Support
More tricks for the compose box.
add asterisks to either end of some text to make it bold
underscore the beginning and end of some text in order to make it italic
add a tilde before and after your text to strike through
Add a double pound sign (##) before your text to create a Header
Type (URL) to create a hyperlink within a message
To start a bulleted list, preface your text with an asterisk (*) or a hyphen (-)
To start a numbered list, preface your text with
To create a block quote, just add a right-hand bracket (>) before your text
Even better, our markdown syntax includes support for code:
To add an inline block of code, start and end the block of text you want to add with an `
To add a multi-line block of code, preface your text with “` and then paste it into your compose box
Call Transfer/Hold
Yep, you read that right. Microsoft Teams can now put calls on hold and transfer them to another user.
Here we can see a call in-progress and I have the ability to hold and transfer. If I click the Transfer button we get a list of folks that are at the top of your chat window along with the ability to search for more people.
It’s a blind transfer although you could do what we do in SfB and simply “chat” with the person you want to transfer it to before you do that.
App Features
Under the app settings we have new features including to stop Teams from launching at Windows Login, Open App in Background and on close to keep the app running.
Other Stuff
Presence is fixed, so you will no longer go to yellow away when your mouse isn’t active within the app (i.e. background app works) and now you can have up to 999 users in a Team.
So more features make their way over to the newest calling/conferencing/chat tool from Microsoft. I’m hanging to my prediction.
Maybe the wrong version was released? On my Teams which claims to be up-to-date, I can do Markdown, but the compose box is unchanged, and the Presence keeps switching to Away without ever reverting back to Available automatically.
I think it’s a slow roll upgrade. And without the about screen hard to tell which version it is.
If I try to update it says that I have the latest version but I still have the old msgbox…
And btw, there is no more a way to see what version I have installed. The “About” menu item is gone…
I noticed that the “about” menu is gone as well. I was looking for where I can get the version info. Still hunting.