The Argyle MVP

Yet another Teams blog but this one by Masters & MVP's

Month: February 2022

Development Microsoft Teams

Teams Admin API: Get Users

Use the Rest API below to get all users within your organization (tenant) and their associated information about Microsoft Teams. NOTE: Please note these APIs are used by the PowerShell team and TAC. They could change any moment. They are…

Development Microsoft Teams Sidebar

The Undocumented Teams API

Microsoft has been busy updating the Teams PowerShell module over the past few months. And with each release there is always a mention of “modernized versions” of some commands. What is really happening is each PowerShell module is being rewritten…

Gatsby + WordPress = New Blog!

Change happens all the time. Sometimes you have no control over that change. Other times, you are the individual responsible for all the changes. But the one constant in all change is that sometimes you make a decision and do…