Update Your Phones (Soon!)
UPDATE: The can has been kicked down the road. You now have till January 2020. On Thursday of last week, Microsoft dropped a post on the Tech Communities page with pretty much no context. Here is the announcment: “To provide…
Live from Enterprise Connect
Just hit refresh to get the latest updates! 10:36 AM – Roll another video. That is it! Our big headlines are: Crazy whiteboard feature! This was simply amazing to see. Basically, throw a USB Content Camera in front of the…
The End is Near: Exchange UM Online Death March
The news we all knew was coming just didn’t know has finally landed. Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging Online is finally going to be killed and everyone is going to be moved (some may call it forced) to Azure Voice Mail…
SfB User in a Microsoft Teams World
So with Microsoft announcing full interop between Skype for Business On-Premises and Microsoft Teams I decided it was time to take the dive and make some changes to our Office 365 tenant. So what did that journey look like. Let’s…
The Curious Case of TCP/9808
Sometimes a mystery is so satisfying once you have solved it. Check out this amazing story from co-worker and amazing guy Mitch Steiner. Prologue The Scene: A typical day in Ops Ops engineer: Oh, I just got an alert that…
Quick Tip: Get Subscriber Access Usage Stats
So recently I had a task to figure out how often Subscriber Access was being used in an environment. Thankfully all of the data you need is in the SQL Database, specifically in the LcsCDR database. /****** – Author: Richard…
Recover a VVX Phone after a failed upgrade
So no one can tell me why this has happened yet and it appears as though the problem has been present for several weeks and nothing from Polycom but there is a problem with the 5.7.1 CAB files that are…
Planning for Shared Line Appearance in Skype for Business
The undocumented capacity planning guides for Microsoft Skype for Business Shared Line Appearance.
Quick Tip: iOS Breaks Login in Some Scenarios
Fast patching and lack of testing results in bad things. Scenario: With the recent release of iOS client we have found that many customers are having all sorts of problems being able to login. This problem only occurs if a…
Quick Tip: Beware of the Undocumented Features
Sometimes you are just blown away by the simplicity of a problem. I’m going to let pictures do all of the talking on this. All you need to know is environment is Polycom VVX Phones. Before feature.presence.enabled=”0″ Syslog from VVX…